Risk assessment for soil contamination from artisanal lead-glazed pottery production in Maragogipinho, Bahia, Brazil


  • Luiz Rogerio de Andrade Lima Federal University of Bahia
  • Luiza Zenaide Santos Souza Federal University of Bahia




Heavy metal, Lead, Pollution assessment, Ecological risk, Environmental pollution


Pollution risk analyses are essential for the management of contaminated sites. In the village of Maragogipinho, Bahia, Brazil, artisans have been producing decorative and utilitarian pottery for almost 300 years. A lead-glaze is used on some of the products causing health concerns. An estimation of indexes for pollution and ecological and human health risks in the region around the pottery workshops was performed. The soil Pb content data from a recent study was used to evaluate the ecological and health risk indicators. These showed high values close to the pottery workshops. The risk for disease through Pb soil contamination is very high for children and high for adults close to the pottery workshops. It is estimated that about 1270 people are at risk in this region.

