Numerical solution of combined forced and free convective flow in porous curvilinear surfaces in presence of heat absorption/generation


  • Kh. Abdul Maleque Prof. of AIUB



Curvilinear system, Porous surfaces, Incompressible Fluid, Combined convection, Buoyancy force, Heat absorption/Generation.


Numerical solutions for three-dimensional boundary layer mixed natural and forced convection incompressible fluid flow over the curvilinear vertical porous surfaces  is examined in our present study in presence of buoyancy and heat generation/absorption effects. We transform the governing equations that is type of Prandtl thermal boundary layer equations in curvilinear system to a group of dimensionless non-linear ODEs by introducing similarity functions and variable. Missing initial conditions are found by shooting methods and the a group of ODEs is solving by Range-Kutta integration scheme of order six. Considering the different values of suction parameter  and heat absorption parameter , and using MATLAB the Numerical solutions are displayed in graphical form of the profiles of velocities and temperature. Finally, the comparisons of the results highlight the justification of the numerical calculation accepted in the presence study.

