About the Journal

Latin American Applied Research is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high quality research communications in the scientific branches of Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Heat & Mass Transfer, Applied Mechanics and Control & Information Processing. There are no processing charges for authors.

The Journal is currently indexed in Scopus and the following ISI products and services: Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded. Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Engineering, Computing & Technology, Essential Science Indicators (ESCI, CPCI-SSH, SCI-EXPANDED, DCI-S, SSCI, BKCI-SSH, A&HCI, DCI-SSH, CPCI-S, BKCI-S).  It is also indexed by Scopus, Scimago and LATINDEX.

Published quarterly (January, April, July and October) with the financial support of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) and Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Printed at UNS Printing Office, Avda. Colón 80,Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Founding Editor: Jorge J. Ronco.

The journal supports a delayed open access policy, meaning that all contents will be made open access one year after appearing in print. 

ISSN: 0327-0793 (print version)
ISSN: 1851-8796 (digital version)


  • Lorenz T. Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

  • Esteban Brignole (Former Editor), Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina.

  • Ian Cameron, University of Queensland, Australia.

  • Guanrong Chen, City University of Hong Kong, China.

  • Leon O. Chua, University of California at Berkeley, USA.

  • Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

  • Jorge L. Moiola, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

  • Carlos H. Muravchik, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

  • Ricardo S. Sanchez Peña, Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Roberto J. J. Williams, INTEMA and Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Statistics, reviewers, regularity and affiliation of the contributors (in pdf - until 2009) 


Digital copies of all articles published in Latin American Applied Research are preserved in several servers, including but not limited to the server of the Library of Universidad Nacional del Sur, server of  Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingenieria Electrica, server of Planta Piloto de Ingenieri­a Qui­mica (where OJS is installed) and EdiUNS. For volumes prior to digital editing, scanned documents were generated.

A minimum of ten copies of every printed issue is also kept, distributed in the library of Universidad Nacional del Sur, library of Planta Piloto de Ingenieria Quimica and Chemical Engineering Department in Universidad Nacional del Sur.