
  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 53 No. 4 (2023)

    Including selected papers from 28th Congreso Argentino de Control Automatico

    Between May 16th and 18th, the 28th Congreso Argentino de Control Automático took place at the Universidad de Palermo (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires).

    Organized by the Asociación Argentina de Control Automático under the motto "Contributing knowledge for productive development," the three-day event witnessed active participation from key figures in academia, industry, and government sectors.

    The conference brought together scientific papers from universities across the country. Concurrently, a series of keynote lectures were delivered by experts in various fields of control, energy, and automation, and a student developments competition was held.

    Furthermore, this occasion served as a physical reunion for these sectors following the strict isolation caused by the pandemic.

    In this issue of LAAR, from page 409 on, a selection of three papers presented at the congress is published.

    I would like to express my deep gratitude to the authorities and collaborators of AADECA, the congress's scientific committee, the reviewers, and the editorial team of LAAR for making the publication of these papers possible.


    José Figueroa
    Guest Editor

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 53 No. 1 (2023)

    Selected papers from XXII Congreso Argentino de Catálisis. 


    The XXII Argentine Congress of Catalysis, held from March 16 to 18, 2022, brought together the catalytic community in the spaces of the Sergio Karakachoff Building belonging to the National University of La Plata. On this occasion, the Center for Research and Development in Applied Sciences “Dr. Jorge J. Ronco” CINDECA, together with the Argentine Catalysis Society SACat, had the honor of organizing this prestigious scientific-technological event.

    Likewise, and as usual, during the days prior to the Congress, the Argentine School of Catalysis EAC 2022 was held. During two days, in which the EAC was held, students from various scientific institutions in the country had the opportunity to receive the latest knowledge about "Multifunctional reactors for process intensification" from Dr. Marisa Pedernera and Dr. Eduardo López.

    Undoubtedly, this edition of the congress was a challenge since the global pandemic severely limited the experimental activities of our fellows, researchers and support staff. However, our resilience and ability to overcome obstacles was reflected in the 201 scientific papers that contributed to the XXII CAC and the important assistance during its development.

    This special issue brings together some of the scientific research on the preparation and characterization of catalysts, sustainable catalytic processes, refining and petrochemicals, environmental catalysis, computational catalysis, fine chemicals catalysis, catalysis to obtain new fuels, kinetics and engineering of reactors, alternative energy and nanotechnology.

    We want to thank those who contributed with their valuable research papers, the reviewers, Dr. J. Alberto Bandoni, Dr. José Figueroa and Dr. Patricia Hoch, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors of LAAR, who made possible the edition of this special issue.            


                     Dra. Mónica L. Casella                                 Dra. Laura E. Briand

             Organizing Committee President           Scientific Committee President 


  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 50 No. 3 (2020)

    July 2020

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 50 No. 2 (2020)


    X Argentine Congress of Chemical Engineering (CAIQ-2019)

    This special issue of Latin American Applied Research (LAAR) contains selected contributions that were presented at the X Argentine Congress of Chemical Engineering (CAIQ-2019) held in the Convention Center Los Maderos, in Santa Fe, Argentina, from August 2 to 7, 2019. The CAIQ Congress is organized by the Argentine Association of Chemical Engineers (AAIQ) since its first edition in 1969, Buenos Aires. Nowadays, this is one of the most important congresses in the field in Latin America representing the natural forum for Chemical Engineers dedicated to teaching, research, consultancy and governmental or industrial activities. The CAIQ-2019 had a special relevance because of the celebration of 100 years of Chemical Engineering in Argentina and Latin America, commemorating the creation in 1919 of the School of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) in Santa Fe.  The Opening Ceremony of CAIQ-2019 took place in the historical auditorium of UNL (Paraninfo).

    The Program consisted of 112 oral contributions, including 5 plenary (Ignacio Grossman, USA; Carlos Negro, Spain; Noemi Zaritzky, Argentina; Jorge de Zavaleta, Argentina; Silvia Toccaceli, Argentina) and 6 invited (Ramón Cerro, USA; Armando Borgna, Singapur; Antonio Monzón, Spain; Luis Gugliotta, Argentina; Gustavo Correa, Argentina; Carlos Arques, Argentina) lecturers, and 150 poster contributions that were presented in oral and poster sessions. Besides, the Conference comprised two roundtables on "Challenges and Paradigms of Chemical Engineering Teaching in the 21st century" and "Energy: Global Vision, Present and Future" in a participative discussion format involving speakers and audience. About 250 delegates from 10 Latin American countries participated in this symposium, including scientists and engineers from industry, academia and research institutions. The topics covered in the congress were: Chemical engineering science, Chemical reaction engineering and catalysis, Process systems engineering, Industrial biotechnology and bio-economy,  Food science and technology, Conventional and non-conventional energies, Materials and nanotechnology, Process industries and process intensification, 4.0 Industry, Teaching chemical and food engineering, Safety of industrial processes, Sustainability and environment, Business and project management.

    The Guest Editors would like to thank all the authors for their excellent contributions. We are indebted to the reviewers for the numerous valuable suggestions to improve the scientific quality of the manuscripts. Also, we want to acknowledge the Editors of LAAR, Dr. Alberto Bandoni and Dr. Patricia Hoch, for the time devoted to this issue. We would also like to express our gratitude to Ing. Oscar Pagola and Ing. Rubén Maltese, President and Secretary of the Organizing Committee of CAIQ-2019, for its valuable support for the preparation of this special issue. The excellent scientific program would not have been possible without the generous support by APLA (Asociación Petroquímica y Química Latinoamericana), the Government of Santa Fe, IPA (Instituto Petroquímico Argentino), IAPG (Instituto Argentino de Petróleo y Gas) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. We hope that the material presented in this special issue will be appreciated by the scientific and technical community and will stimulate more investigation and new ideas.


                      Juana I. Di Cosimo                                     Carlos R. Apesteguía
                                                                 Guest editors

    Catalysis Science and Engineering Research Group (GICIC),
    INCAPE, UNL-CONICET, CCT CONICET, Paraje El Pozo, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina


  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 50 No. 1 (2020)

    January 2020

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 49 No. 4 (2019)

    October 2019

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 49 No. 3 (2019)

    July 2019

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 49 No. 2 (2019)

    April 2019

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 49 No. 1 (2019)

    January 2019

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 48 No. 4 (2018)

    October 2018

  • Latin American Applied Research
    Vol. 48 No. 3 (2018)

    July 2018

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