Vol. 53 No. 1 (2023): Latin American Applied Research

Selected papers from XXII Congreso Argentino de Catálisis. 


The XXII Argentine Congress of Catalysis, held from March 16 to 18, 2022, brought together the catalytic community in the spaces of the Sergio Karakachoff Building belonging to the National University of La Plata. On this occasion, the Center for Research and Development in Applied Sciences “Dr. Jorge J. Ronco” CINDECA, together with the Argentine Catalysis Society SACat, had the honor of organizing this prestigious scientific-technological event.

Likewise, and as usual, during the days prior to the Congress, the Argentine School of Catalysis EAC 2022 was held. During two days, in which the EAC was held, students from various scientific institutions in the country had the opportunity to receive the latest knowledge about "Multifunctional reactors for process intensification" from Dr. Marisa Pedernera and Dr. Eduardo López.

Undoubtedly, this edition of the congress was a challenge since the global pandemic severely limited the experimental activities of our fellows, researchers and support staff. However, our resilience and ability to overcome obstacles was reflected in the 201 scientific papers that contributed to the XXII CAC and the important assistance during its development.

This special issue brings together some of the scientific research on the preparation and characterization of catalysts, sustainable catalytic processes, refining and petrochemicals, environmental catalysis, computational catalysis, fine chemicals catalysis, catalysis to obtain new fuels, kinetics and engineering of reactors, alternative energy and nanotechnology.

We want to thank those who contributed with their valuable research papers, the reviewers, Dr. J. Alberto Bandoni, Dr. José Figueroa and Dr. Patricia Hoch, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors of LAAR, who made possible the edition of this special issue.            


                 Dra. Mónica L. Casella                                 Dra. Laura E. Briand

         Organizing Committee President           Scientific Committee President 


Published: 2023-01-01