New Subject Editors from October 2020
From October 2020 five new subject editors join LAAR editorial team in the areas of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering:
MarÃa Laura Foresti is joining LAAR as one of the new subject editors in the area of Applied Chemistry.
Laura is researcher from CONICET, currently working at Instituto de TecnologÃa en PolÃmeros y NanotecnologÃa (ITPN-UBA-CONICET)- Facultad de IngenierÃa, Universidad de Buenos Aires- Conicet.
Diego Lomonaco joins the area of Applied Chemistry as Subject Editor. Diego is currently working at Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil.
Sebastian Collins also joins as a subject editor on Applied Chemistry.
Sebastian is a researcher from INTEC (CONICET - UNL), also working at Facultad de Ingenieria QuÃmica (UNL).
Ardson Dos Santos Vianna Jr. is joining as a new subject editor of Chemical Engineering.
Ardson is currently working at Universidade de São Paulo, working with a pharmaceutical group and in Process Engineering.
Jose Luis Diaz de Tuesta is also joining as subject editor of Chemical Engineering.
Jose Luis is currently working at Centro de Investigacao de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politecnico de Braganca (IPB), Campus de Santa Apolonia, Braganca, Portugal.