Please be careful at the submission stage
All information in the web page related to the title, abstract, authors and keywords appears as the submitting author wrote it at the submission stage.
We are not accepting incomplete submissions, meaning that all the metadata must be uploaded correctly and according to the submitted manuscript. However, sometimes it can happen that something skips our control and a manuscript is sent to review without fulfilling the requirements.
It is full responsibility of authors to upload the metadata in a correct way. If you find any inconsistency when your paper is published it is very difficult to correct. Please pay attention at the submission stage to avoid inconveniences.
Please do not use foreign characters when spelling your name at the registration step or when uploaoding your contributors.
Keywords: Please write keywords separately in the metadata, it is not accepted doing "cut and paste" of the list of keywords in the field. We found that in many submissions and it is a pity that we have to reject submissions because of this.
All this information appears in the instructions for authors but we feel necessary to remind authors of these important things.