Carbon dioxide capture by using hybrid system. Parametric sensitivity analysis and environmental and energy evaluation


  • Fabiana Belén Torres Instituto de Investigaciones para La Industria Química (INIQUI, CONICET-UNSa)
  • Juan Pablo Gutierrez
  • Elisa Liliana Ale Ruiz
  • Maria Alejandra Bertuzzi
  • Eleonora Erdmann



CO2 capture, cryogenic, membrane, separation


Global warming is mainly caused by carbon dioxide (CO2). For natural gas streams that contain high lev-els of CO2, combining different technologies, such as absorption, adsorption, membrane, and cryogenic separation, may be more convenient for separating acid gas. This study focuses on a gas stream that con-tains 81.14 mole% of CO2. Two hybrid processes, membrane-absorption with amines and cryogenic-membrane, were evaluated for their capital cost, en-ergy and water consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under different operational condi-tions using ASPEN HYSYS V.12. The membrane-absorption system has the lowest CH4 losses, while the hybrid cryogenic-membrane system has lower energy and water requirements and 69% less GHG emissions than the membrane-amine hybrid system. The cryo-genic-membrane system is suitable for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) due to its high carbon dioxide purity and 30% lower operative costs, but requires a slightly higher initial investment.

