Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of starch-citric acid-glycerol films


  • Matias Alejandro Raspo
  • Maria Belen Vignola UTN Facultad Regional San Fco
  • Alfonsina Ester Andreatta



potato films starch, citric acid, glycerol, response surface methodology


Potato starch films incorporated with citric acid as active compound and glycerol as plasticizers were evaluated in their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Characterization of the final films revealed commendable transparency and smoothness, often accompanied by a yellowish hue attributed to the Maillard reaction. Antimicrobial assays demonstrated activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Response surface analysis indicated that starch concentration significantly influenced antioxidant responses, with citric acid enhancing the antimicrobial properties. These findings highlight the potential of citric acid enhanced starch films for ecofriendly packaging and biomedical applications, contributing to the development of functional and sustainable materials



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