Impact of pretreatment solution and temperature on drying of Cornelian cherry


  • Serhat Uz
  • Ibrahim Doymaz Department of Chemical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Essenler, Istanbul



Activation energy, drying


Cornus mas L. whose common name is Cornelian cherry, mostly lives in Southern Europe and Southwest Asia naturally. One of the most popular methods for increasing food stability is drying, which lowers water activity, minimizes physical and chemical alterations, and lowers microbiological activity while materials are being stored. The effective moisture diffusivity (Deff), activation energy (Ea), drying time, and drying rate were examined in relation to different drying temperatures. Pretreated (Sod. Hyd. and Potas) / untreated (Control) Cornelian cherry samples were dried at three different temperatures (55, 65, and 75 °C). Results of study presented that the drying behaviours of Cornelian cherries are affected by using pretreatment solution and change of air temperature. Six well-known mathematical models in the literature for thin layer drying processes were applied to the experimental moisture ratio values of Cornelian cherries. Regression analysis has demonstrated that the Midilli & Küçük model, which has the highest R2 value and the lowest RMSE and X2 values, is the best appropriate model to explain the drying behaviour. Fick's second law was used to calculate the Deff values. The calculated Deff values from 1.29x10-10 m2/s as a function of temperature increased by 5.47x10-10 m2/s. The Ea values are of 50.74 kJ/mol, 42.07 kJ/mol and 38.88 kJ/mol for in order of Control, Sod. Hyd. and Potas samples.

